Staying Healthy in Summer

Summer is the most energetically active of all the seasons with expansion, growth, and activity. It represents the fire element which is associated with the heart and small intestine. The color is red, the emotion is joy and it is a time to bring to manifestation all that we have been planning during the spring.

In summer the focus is on enjoying life and relationships. When our energy is balanced our life runs smoothly.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart is associated with thought processes, memory, emotional wellbeing, and consciousness. When the heart energy is imbalanced depression or manic behavior may result. “When the heart energy is balanced, the mind is calm, and we sleep deeply and wake rested.”

For Optimum Summer Health:

  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids
  • Wake earlier in the morning
  • Rest at midday
  • Go to bed later in the evening
  • Add pungent foods to your diet
  • Refrain from angry outbursts