Supporting the Gallbladder with Chinese Medicine

This time of year, the energies of liver and gallbladder are most active. These two pathways are very closely connected, but today I want to focus on the gallbladder. The gallbladder governs decision making, excretes and stores bile, and on a deeper level gives us the ability to push through obstacles and to assert ourselves.

If we are having difficulties being assertive, feeling uninspired or making decisions our gallbladder energy is out of balance. Today many people have problems with their gallbladder and digestion. The reason may be found in diet and stress levels. These two things greatly affect the gallbladder.

The emotion associated with the gallbladder and liver is anger and frustration. In Chinese Medicine, having a healthy emotional life is just as important to health as a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and a strong immune system.

Anger can impact the gallbladder and liver in two ways

  • Repressed anger will damage the gallbladder/ liver over time and will create imbalance which can lead to disease.
  • If you are under extreme stress for a prolonged period and are eating poorly (greasy, fatty, rich, and spicy foods) your gallbladder/liver will become imbalanced and can cause an excess of anger (i.e., angry outbursts, irritability, ringing in the ears and migraines). These are symptoms of excess heat in the liver.

To support your gallbladder and liver health

  • Avoid greasy, fatty, spicy, and rich food. Stomach pain after eating this type of food could indicate gallbladder stones.
  • Express your emotions, don’t allow them to build up. Anger turned inward creates depression. If you are having difficulty expressing your feelings, talk therapy can be very helpful.
  • Eat foods grown locally and in season. This is the best way to regain a natural balance in our digestion.
  • Exercise, spring is the perfect time to be active physically. Our bodies need exercise to get our energy moving.