The Summer Meridians


Nature is most energetically active in summer and it is also the same within our bodies.

Summer is associated with the fire element which includes four meridians: heart, small intestine, pericardium and triple warmer.  This is two more meridians than all the other seasons, so it is important to be balanced.

The heart moves the blood through the vessels.
Heart imbalance may include,

  • insomnia
  • nightmares,
  • palpitations,
  • feverish feelings
  • restlessness.

The pericardium meridian protects the heart and “works with the emotions.”  Balancing the pericardium can help with hot flashes or heat in the upper torso.

The small intestine meridian separates the pure from the impure.  In this way, it helps with digestion and elimination.  Mentally small intestine meridian is active in prioritizing our lives.

The triple warmer (which like the pericardium meridian is not associated with an organ) helps to control the body’s temperature and coordinates all the water functions in the body.  It also governs the sympathetic nervous system, the flight-fight -freeze response.

Foods which support the fire element have a bitter taste. Some examples are: coffee, chocolate, vinegar, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, asparagus, and wine.

Essential oils can also be helpful to support the fire element.

For palpitations or fluttering of the heart:

  • lavender
  • melissa
  • chamomile
  • peppermint
  • rose

Irritable bowel can be helped by:

  • lavender
  • tea tree
  • chamomile
  • eucalyptus

For further information refer to: time-heart/small intestine
and Intestine and Pericardium/Triple Warmer