Triple Warmer- Summer Meridian

springtime meridiansThe Triple Warmer in Traditional Chinese Medicine is not associated with an organ, but this energy flow is responsible for moving and transforming various fluids and solids throughout the body. It also plays a huge role in maintaining and creating the body’s protective energy or immune system.

This meridian has three parts or burners:

  • The upper burner- head and chest
  • The middle burner- abdomen
  • The lower burner-pelvis

The upper burner controls intake

the middle burner controls transformation

and the lower burner controls elimination

The Triple Warmer is important because it is in contact with all systems of the body, including the nervous system. When the TW is imbalanced physical and emotional symptoms can occur.

These symptoms can include:

  • overwhelm
  • anxiety
  • sleep difficulties
  • mood instability

To calm the Triple Warmer have your energy balanced. You can also check YouTube for exercises to calm Triple Warmer