Pericardium Meridian – Heart Protector

Pericardium is the partner of Triple Warmer Meridian and like TW it is not a physical organ. Anatomically the pericardium is the protective sack around the heart. In Chinese Medicine, the Pericardium Meridian is defined as a fire -energy organ which protects the heart.

The Pericardium Meridian protects the heart both physically and emotionally. Physically it buffers the heart from trauma. Emotionally it protects the heart from damaging excessive emotions generated by other meridians. Extreme emotions of anger, grief, and fear over an extended period of time are regarded as causes of disease in Chinese Medicine. The pericardium also helps with the regulation of circulation in the major blood vessels of the heart.

Pericardium energy is related to the loving feelings associated with sex. It links the physical with the emotional: it moderates the sexual energy of the kidney with the loving energy of the heart.
Peak time for the pericardium is 7 pm -9 pm.