Early Spring – Beginning of Renewal

We’ve spoken about the progression of the seasons with winter being the time to rest and conserve our energy and spring a time of activity and expanding our energy. If you are a person who was unable to rest and recharge during the winter months you may be feeling worn thin by now. When our bodies are continually exhausted our immune system is weakened and we can easily get sick.

Our exhaustion is not just physical but many times physical, mental and emotional. This is a good description of modern day stress. Here are some tips to alleviate this cycle of exhaustion.

  • Try to get to bed around the same time every night. The routine will help the body to relax
  • A few drops of Lavender essential oil on your pillow can promote relaxation
    Try to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • To calm your mind, write down any to do lists or things to remember before you go to bed. Get these thoughts out of your head and onto paper. You can also keep pen and paper on your night stand if your thoughts wake you up.
    Develop the habit of deep breathing. Breathe from the bottom of your diaphragm. You can’t deep breathe and be stressed at the same time.
  • Do some type of exercise, yoga, walking, running, etc. at least 3 times a week.
  • Meditation is wonderful for self realization. If you are stuck in your head you may not be aware of exhaustion until it overcomes you.
  • Drink a cup of warm water with lemon every morning. It aids with digestion and helps the gall bladder release toxins more quickly
  • Have your energy balanced or have some type of bodywork.
  • Take care of your body; it’s the only one you have.