Entries by Marie Oliver

Navigating the Holidays

The holiday season can be joyous but also challenging. There is so much to do and so little time. Spending time with family and friends can bring up wonderful memories and memories that are not so wonderful. Keeping our emotional balance is most important. Try not to overdo, stay in the present moment, get plenty of rest […]

Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Myofascial Release

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that creates pain, numbness and tingling in the wrists, arms, and hands. It is created by pressure on the median nerve which passes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist to the hand. The causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) can vary from repetitive overuse of the wrist and […]

Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

The change of weather from summer to autumn many times brings colds, flu, and respiratory infections.  In Chinese Medicine this is the time of the metal element when lung and large intestine meridians are most active.  I’ve mentioned in a previous post that if your lung or large intestine meridian’s energy is blocked, especially at this […]

Chronic Cold Condition

This is the season of the metal element in Chinese Medicine. It’s a time when nature pulls back its energy into the earth and roots of the trees and plants to prepare for winter. I’ve spoken about the importance of getting more sleep, eating local, seasonal, cooked food and keeping warm to stay healthy during […]

Chinese Medicine tips for staying healthy during Fall

As nature changes from the heat and expansiveness of summer to the cooler temperatures and pulling back of energy during fall; we also experience natural changes in our physical bodies, health, and moods. During autumn we are more inclined to stay home at night, get more sleep and spend time in more serious pursuits. Living […]

Large Intestine Meridian – the Energy of Fall

The season of Fall reminds us to let go of that which is no longer needed. This is the metal season in Chinese Medicine; the time when Lung and Large Intestine Meridians are most active. I’ve spoken about Lung Meridian the last few weeks and would like to focus on Large Intestine Meridian today. The Large […]

Living in Harmony with the Fall Season

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers man part of nature.Therefore, if you live in an area of changing seasons, the changes taking place in nature are also being mirrored inside of you. To maintain health and prevent illness during fall, TCM recommends that we eat foods which grow locally this time of year and prepare for […]

The Energy of Autumn – Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Autumnal Equinox occurred on September 23rd this year. With the passing of the equinox, we begin to sense the dance of the subtle energies transforming summer into autumn. The nights are cooler, the days are shorter. The beautiful greenery of summer fades and the warm reds, oranges, and browns of fall emerge. Fall is […]