Entries by Marie Oliver

The Psychological Aspects of the Metal Element

The metal element, which is most active in autumn, is associated with the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians. This energy supports letting go of that which no longer serves you. It is a perfect time to clean out closets and purge attics and basements. This is also a time for reflection on progress made throughout […]

The Psychological Aspect of Indian Summer in TCM

The earth element, which is the most active energy at this time of year, encourages us to be balanced and grounded in our core and to nurture body, mind, and spirit. “Value and nourish yourself as the highest level of personal spiritual practice you can do, so that your love can then flow out to others.” Being […]

Summer and the Fire Element

Summer is a time of abundant energy and heat in nature. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is associated with the fire element, the color red, the emotion of joy and the heart, small intestine, triple warmer, and pericardium meridians. It is a time to exercise outdoors and enjoy the weather with friends and family. To […]

The Energies of Spring

Though it is still technically winter, we can feel that change is in the air. The lighter more active energy of springtime is all around us in the appearance of crocus and daffodils. The energy of spring makes it possible to push through obstacles, like the early flowers pushing through the hard soil. During spring […]

Summarizing Healthy Tips for Winter

We are nearing the end of Winter, when the subtle energies of nature will begin to rise and bring new life to the landscape. The animals that hibernate during this time will awaken to a renewed food supply. We are part of nature and it is also important for us to slow down and renew […]

The 24-Hour Body Clock of Chinese Medicine

Every so often I like to revisit this topic. It’s very helpful information and can bring awareness to the problem of disturbed sleep which is of interest to just about everyone. The 24-hour body clock of Chinese Medicine is a representation of the movement of energy through the body’s meridians (energy pathways) and organs in […]

Myofascial Release and Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)

Muscle Tension Dysphonia is a voice disorder which occurs when the muscles around the voice box are so tight that the quality and volume of the voice are impaired. This condition can be the result of illness (laryngitis) overuse, stress or other conditions. It may continue even after laryngitis is gone. Some symptoms of MTD […]

Navigating Winter with Chinese Medicine

Today is the perfect winter day. It is snowing, cold, dark, damp and quiet. These are the adjectives that describe the most yin season in Chinese Medicine. This is the time to slow down, replenish our energy reserves, conserve our strength and spend time reflecting on our health and meditative pursuits. The associations of winter […]

More Chinese Medicine Tips for Winter

The Bladder Meridian is the longest and most influential of all the energy pathways since it crosses all the other meridians. During winter the energies are most active in Bladder and Kidney Meridians; this is the time of the water element. When the Bladder Meridian is out of balance both physical and emotional symptoms can […]

Chinese Medicine Tips for Winter

The energy pathways most active during winter are kidney and bladder. Winter is a time for quiet, self-reflection, meditation and nourishment of body and soul. It is also important to get plenty of sleep, eat locally grown, organic, well-cooked food, stay warm and stay hydrated. Some foods that support the body during winter are: Celery, […]