The Energies of Spring

Though it is still technically winter, we can feel that change is in the air. The lighter more active energy of springtime is all around us in the appearance of crocus and daffodils. The energy of spring makes it possible to push through obstacles, like the early flowers pushing through the hard soil.

During spring the life force in our bodies is most active in the Liver and Gallbladder meridians (energy pathways). These meridians are responsible for the liver and gallbladder organs as well as the eyes, blood, tendons, and ligaments.

The liver meridian, among other functions, stores, and filters blood, regulates chi and prana, rules the health of muscles, tendons, nails, hands, and feet and is responsible for balancing emotions.

The major functions of the Gallbladder meridian are:

  • Secretes digestive enzymes to break down fat
  • Gives us the ability to follow our path in life
  • Helps with our capacity to regain equilibrium aftershock

These meridians also affect anger, frustration, and courage. The liver controls the ability to plan one’s life, while the gallbladder controls the capacity to make decisions.

Some symptoms of impaired Gallbladder function are:

  • Pain over eyes
  • Gas, bloating
  • Pain along IT band
  • Cramping at the 4th toe, knees, and thigh

Some symptoms of a congested liver are:

  • Skin problems; rashes; brown skin spots
  • Difficulty losing body fat
  • Distended stomach on a thin body
  • Ringing in the ears

Tips for supporting and rejuvenating your liver and gallbladder:

  • Start your day with a cup of lemon water
  • Juice or blend beets, apples, lemon, carrots, and dandelion greens
  • Eat more sulfur-rich foods: garlic and onions, and vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collards, and cabbage
  • Have your energy balanced