Entries by Marie Oliver

The Heart Meridian and Peaceful Sleep

The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be overstated. In Traditional Chinese Medicine sleep disorders and insomnia are considered to be a blockage or imbalance in the body’s energy. This time of year, the fire element is most active, which is represented by 4 energy pathways or meridians, heart, small intestine, pericardium, and triple […]

Treating Whiplash with Myofascial Release

Whiplash is a neck injury created by a rapid back and forth motion of the neck. It is usually caused by a rear-end collision car accident, but can also result from sports accidents, physical abuse, and other traumas such as a fall. The whiplash injury can be a strain or sprain but can also include […]

Health and the Free Flow of Emotions

I have been a bodyworker for more than 20 years, and I understand how important it is to have our electromagnetic energy balanced and flowing freely. When I talk about the body’s energy that is what I am referring to. This energy can easily be measured in allopathic medicine by an ECG (electrocardiogram) and EEG (electroencephalogram). […]

Treating Migraines with Chinese Medicine

There are five main types of headache identified in Western Medicine: Cluster Headaches  • Tension Headaches  • Sinus Headaches • Rebound Headaches • Migraine Headaches. Today I want to focus on Migraine Headaches and how they are treated in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In TCM a headache is considered to have two parts, the root, and […]

The Emotional Aspect of Liver Meridian

In spring the earth energies are rising up and outward in powerful bursts. There is a profusion of new growth and life in the plant and animal kingdom, the weather is warmer, and we are wanting to get outside to exercise and be in nature. This is the time of the wood element and the […]

Treating Stress with Chinese Medicine

In the past, I’ve spoken about the amount of stress that people are dealing with at this time in our country. Bladder and Kidney Meridians which are associated with the emotion of fear are most active during the winter season. Another emotion that is a component of stress is worry. Worry is associated with the […]

Winter – the Time of Water Element

The energy pathways most active this time of year are Bladder and Kidney. Winter is a time of quiet reflection and nurturing our bodies to ready them for the increased activity of spring. If we do not rest and renew our energy, we will be exhausted when the increased energy demands of spring are upon […]

The Psychological Aspect of the Bladder Meridian

The Bladder Meridian is the longest energy pathway in the body and the most influential since it passes through all the other meridians. As you can see the Bladder Meridian begins at the inner corner of the eye and runs the length of the back of the body and ends at the small toe. The […]

Supporting Our Immune System During Winter

During winter, the energy in nature moves downward and inward. Trees and plants lose their leaves as their energy moves back into the earth to rest. They will conserve their energy waiting for the rebirth of spring. We are also part of nature, and to maintain health during this season we need to pull back […]

Treating Insomnia and Anxiety with Traditional Chinese Medicine

I have encountered many people lately who are having trouble sleeping. These are stressful times, so insomnia and anxiety are not an unusual occurrence. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, one theory on anxiety is that it is caused by excessive energy (chi) in the head. This overabundance of energy presents as heat. Symptoms of this type of […]