Staying and Healthy All Year Round

We’ve talked about the energy pathways most active in summer and the importance of staying balanced both physically and emotionally to promote optimum health.  The advice for the summer season includes staying hydrated with fluids and eating cooling foods such as fruits and salads to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

The importance of eating healthy food cannot be understated to maintain good health.  It is also important to minimize the ingestion of stimulating foods every season of the year.  Foods such as coffee, sugar, and chocolate, which are also addicting, if overdone will deplete our adrenal glands.

In today’s world where so many people are multitasking and subject to deadlines; coffee, chocolate, and sugar can be very comforting.  When these foods are used as an energy source adrenal exhaustion which may lead to chronic fatigue and a weakened immune system may result.

The adage “everything in moderation” still makes sense.  Have fun outside during the beautiful weather!