Lung Meridian Most Active during Autumn

Last week we discussed the Large Intestine Meridian. Today I want to talk about its partner the Lung Meridian. The Lung energy pathway is associated with the emotion of sadness or grief, the skin, boundaries, and the immune system. Since most pathogens enter through the respiratory and digestive systems, healthy lungs and large intestines are very important to overall health.

On a psychological level, the lung represents our personal boundaries and sense of self. It is closely aligned with feelings of self-esteem and self-worth for ourselves and others.

To maintain a healthy Lung Meridian:

  • Eat pungent foods (i.e. ginger, garlic, onion, cloves, cayenne pepper, cinnamon…)
  • Dress for the weather to avoid colds
  • Walk in nature and breathe in crisp dry air
  • Find time for introspection and let go of that which no longer serves you.