Feeling Stuck? Large Intestine Meridian Can Help

The fall season is the time of the metal element in Chinese Medicine which is associated with Lung and Large Intestine energy pathways. Large Intestine helps us to let go of that which is no longer needed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. “Consciousness and meridian energy are deeply connected. The Large Intestine’s metal energy is concerned with matters of prosperity and self-protection.” It also organizes the useful from the useless and governs discernment and discretion.

When our Large Intestine energy is strong and balanced, we are organized physically and clear-headed. If the LI is unbalanced our thinking becomes clouded and our judgment is impaired. Physically you may become constipated which is associated with bottled-up emotions. Two areas of life which may be affected are money and relationships.

To keep a healthy balance maintain proper nutrition (fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy protein and fats, and plenty of water) and have your energy balanced. There are also deep breathing exercises that help to improve circulation, digestion, and constipation. For more information on these exercises consult