The Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

I usually write about the benefits of Chinese Medicine and beneficial foods and activities for each season. Today I want to talk about another modality that I utilize in every session that I give, Craniosacral Therapy.

Craniosacral Therapy is a type of bodywork therapy that focuses on the bones, joints, and tissues of the neck, head and spine. “It is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system- comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.” (

Craniosacral therapy (CST) releases tensions and restrictions deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve overall health. It is a very relaxing modality which is extremely effective in treating anxiety and stress as well as migraines, neck pain, and back pain. It can also improve mobility by releasing restrictions in the fascia, the connective tissue, which lies just under our skin, surrounds every muscle and organ, and covers our entire body.

CST can also help manage symptoms of chronic pain, and TMJ to name a few. It is also currently being utilized along with orthodontics to improve the alignment of teeth and jaw. It helps to balance and relax the facial muscles as treatment is progressing to allow the teeth and muscles to relax into their new position.

Some contraindications for CST are blood clots, brain aneurysm, recent concussion, brain swelling, and any condition which causes excessive cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

The Importance of Correct Posture on Overall Health

I have seen many clients lately who have structural issues, either problems with their knees, backs, or feet. These types of issues will also create problems with necks and hips. When your body is out of alignment, you can suffer from nerve pain, migraine headaches, sciatica, back pain, and many other ailments.

Poor alignment over an extended period can also create the need for hip replacement, knee surgery, spinal fusion, or neck fusion. Imbalance in the hips or spine can cause a wearing down of spinal discs. The spinal discs cushion the vertebrae and prevent the bones from rubbing together.

Many people see chiropractors to avoid these scenarios, but if you have fascial restrictions created by surgeries, whiplash injuries, or poor posture, these restrictions must be addressed or there will not be a long-lasting solution.

Myofascial release is a modality which addresses these restrictions or scarring in the fascial tissue and will help dissolve them over time. When the fascial restrictions are released range of motion improves, nerve pain is alleviated, and posture can improve.

I can personally attest to this. I suffered with neck pain for more than 10 years which had me incapacitated with migraine headaches. I tried many different modalities to help the situation but did not find real relief until I started myofascial release sessions. This is the reason I chose to study myofascial release. I no longer have chronic neck pain. I would recommend myofascial release to anyone looking for a permanent solution to improve posture, alleviate pain, and increase mobility.

Staying Healthy During the Holiday Season

This time of year is very busy for most people, preparing for the holidays. More shopping, cooking, entertaining, and planning, though enjoyable, adds more stress to our schedules.

We all want to enjoy the holidays. Here are some tips that can make life easier.

  • Plan ahead, give yourself plenty of time to prepare for parties and entertaining.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Create relaxing surroundings.
  • Plan spending.
  • Drink at least 16-32 oz. of water a day.
  • If you feel a little under the weather, try taking organic oil of oregano drops in a glass of water. I usually use 3 drops in 8 oz of water. It has helped me get rid of a sore throat. There is also a nasal spray with oil of oregano ( Xlear Rescue) that can protect you when traveling or during flu season. Oil of oregano is antiviral and antifungal.
  • Increase supplements such as zinc, vitamin C, and D.
  • Keep plans simple and be realistic.

The Importance of Supporting Neck and Back During Sleep

I have had issues with my neck for many years due to a concussion I suffered during childhood. My parents were not fans of chiropractic, and they had no idea that misplaced vertebrae could create problems over time. The neck pain that began in my forties is the reason I found the career that I have had for the last 24 years.

I suffered from significant neck pain for more than 10 years. I would wake up in the middle of the night with neck pain and a migraine if I slept funny. I could only sleep on my back, which was not easy to do at first. The migraine would incapacitate me for most of the next day.

I tried many types of bodywork and chiropractic over the years. Chiropractic was helpful if the chiropractor paid attention to my muscle spasms, if not, relief would only last a few hours. I made a huge breakthrough when I found myofascial release. Releasing the connective tissue freed my muscles from the constant spasm.

All the bodywork that I studied contributed to my becoming pain-free. The three types of bodywork that helped me the most and mainly comprise my practice are acupressure, myofascial release, and craniosacral therapy. Having the right pillow and a good mattress is also extremely important in keeping the correct alignment through the night.

Recently I’ve been working to improve my posture and I have found that my favorite pillow no longer works for me. I’m currently searching for a new one. The pillow I used for many years was a memory foam one. I’m thinking of trying a feather pillow, medium fill presently.

It’s difficult to recommend a pillow for everyone since everyone is different and has their own unique posture. You need to go to a bedding store and try them. The main issue to consider is if you are a side or back sleeper. No adult should sleep on their stomach; this is terrible for your neck. While sleeping your head should be in the same position as when you are standing. A side sleeper needs a pillow with a depth that equals the distance from the end of the shoulder to the neck. A back sleeper needs to support the curve in the neck throughout the night.

If you wake up feeling uncomfortable with a stiff back or neck, you may need to consider a different pillow or mattress. A misaligned back or neck can create a lot of discomfort or pain. Bodywork and the right pillow or mattress can greatly improve your health.

Treating Motion Sickness with Chinese Medicine

This is something I deal with occasionally, but when it happens, I ruin a whole day. Since Chinese Medicine looks for the source of the problem, I thought it was time to explore this topic. I hope it helps my audience as well.

A definition of motion sickness is nausea caused by motion especially in a vehicle. Many people experience a great deal of symptoms including nausea, this is what I want to address today.

Traditional Chinese Medicine considers motion sickness a pattern of disharmony. In TCM the body is regarded as an integrated whole. A pattern creates disharmony or disruption in the body’s system.

There are 3 patterns which can create motion sickness. The symptoms associated with each pattern can give us clues as to the cause of the disruption.

The patterns are:

  • Phlegm

    symptoms include a feeling of muzziness of the head, dizziness, nausea, feelings of oppression in the chest. Other signs are a wiry pulse and a sticky coating on the tongue.

    The usual cause of phlegm condition is spleen weakness and deficiency. The spleen is responsible for transportation and transformation of body fluids. When the spleen is impaired, the fluids stagnate and become phlegm. The lungs and kidneys may also be involved in treatment since they transport body fluids, but the spleen is the focus when beginning treatment.

  • Spleen Deficiency with Dampness

    Symptoms include edema, diarrhea, urinary problems, sensation of heaviness, insomnia, tiredness. This condition can also create hepatitis, cystitis or vaginal itching, candida infection, vaginal pain, loose stools and vaginal discharge.

  • Phlegm in the lower burner

    Symptoms are vertigo, coughing, shortness of breath, vomiting frothy saliva, and throbbing pulsations just below the belly button. The lower burner is part of the triple burner or triple warmer, the lower third of the torso.

    All these conditions are treated with Chinese herbs. There are so many types of phlegm and different conditions that treatment should be under the care of a licensed acupuncturist. Once the body’s imbalance is addressed, discomfort and suffering can greatly improve.

To prevent motion sickness

  • Take medication 1-2 hours before traveling.
  • Choose the right seat.
  • Don’t read while riding in a car
  • Lie down if feeling sick
  • Get plenty of fresh air
  • Avoid a big meal before traveling.

Treating Depression with Chinese Medicine

Depression is a common mood disorder in the developed countries of the world. The Fall season is an especially prevalent time for mood disorders. The season changes bringing less sunlight and colder, shorter days. The energy in nature begins to recede back into the earth. The leaves change color and fall. People are spending less time socializing outside in nature.

Photo by Annie Nyle on Unsplash

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fall is the time of the metal element. The energy pathways most active are the lung and large intestine. The emotion associated with the lung meridian is sadness and grief.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Feeling listless, sad or down every day
  • Having low energy
  • Sleeping too much
  • No interest in activities you usually enjoy.
  • Feeling hopeless, worthless, or guilty
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Having thoughts of not wanting to live.
  • Trouble sleeping

Tips to manage depression

  • Depression can improve with regular exercise. Spend time outdoors each day especially in the early morning.
  • Get adequate rest, 7- 8 hours a night if possible. Going to bed at the same time each night helps the body clock to stabilize itself.
  • Set a routine for each day, exercise, read, cook, call a friend.
  • Eat meals at the same time each day.
  • Connect with family and friends.
  • Avoid taking naps. It will be difficult to sleep at night.
  • Avoid bright lights and blue light in the evening

In Traditional Chinese Medicine depression is treated with dietary changes, herbs, acupressure or acupuncture, and exercise, usually Qi Gong or Tai Chi. Since the energy pathways have an emotional association, it is important to keep the energy (chi) flowing. When our energy is stuck, we experience symptoms of dis-ease and depression. When the energy is flowing freely, we have a sense of ease and wellbeing.

There is no cookie cutter approach to depression in Chinese Medicine. Each person is unique and may have different treatments for depression and anxiety based on their constitution and health issues. There are many degrees of depression. People with more severe symptoms should also seek medical professional help.

Treating Gall Stones with Chinese Medicine

A good friend had asked for information on how gallstones might be treated with Chinese Medicine (CM). Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) regards the body as a whole system where everything is interrelated. When a symptom such as gallstones occurs, it is regarded as disharmony or imbalance in the body’s system.

CM attributes the pattern of phlegm in the gallbladder or kidneys as a cause of stones. The symptoms of gallstones and kidney stones are back pain and pain in the epigastric area. These sharp pains can occur after eating greasy, fatty, rich, or spicy foods.

The gallbladder stores and excretes bile, which helps in digestion. In TCM the gallbladder meridian is associated with decision making and everyday stress. It partners with the liver meridian, which is associated with planning, ligaments and tendons, and the emotion of anger.

Gallbladder meridian is also associated with our passion for life, action, and assertiveness. Imbalance in the gallbladder meridian can create difficulty being assertive, making decisions, and following through with projects. When the gallbladder meridian is balanced energy is flowing freely and we are assertive, passionate, and healthy.

Possible causes of Gallbladder Imbalance

  • Stressful events, such as loss of a loved one, trauma, injury, illness, or loss of employment.
  • Consumption of lots of fatty, greasy, rich, or spicy foods. Overtime this will impair gallbladder and liver function and can create angry outbursts, irritability, red face and eyes, ringing in the ears, and migraines. These are symptoms of excess heat in the liver.

To help repair the gallbladder

  • Avoid greasy, fatty, rich, and spicy foods
  • Express emotions freely, not allowing for buildup and overreaction. Depression, which is anger turned inward, can also be a symptom of gallbladder imbalance.
  • Eat foods grown locally and in season.
  • Exercise regularly. The chi needs to move to prevent stagnation, which causes disease.
  • If having gallbladder issues avoid caffeine and alcohol. Drink plenty of water and eat fresh greens.
  • Go to bed before 11:00pm, when gallbladder is most active.

If you suspect, you have gallstones or kidney stones consult a licensed acupuncturist. Many times, insurance will cover the acupuncturist’s fee.

In Western Medicine, the treatment for gallstones is usually surgery. In TCM the organs were never removed. The TCM treatment today is still basically the same. The acupuncturist will recommend dietary changes, herbs, and acupuncture, and most likely detoxification before considering surgery as a last resort.

The Importance of Stretching in Maintaining Muscle Health and Balance.

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

I usually talk about the importance of balancing the body’s energy to maintain optimal health and wellness but stretching is equally important to keep muscles elongated and firing correctly.

There seems to be a lot of people with tight IT bands and low back discomfort lately. This is not unusual since it is the season of gallbladder, and part of the gallbladder meridian follows the exact path of the IT band. During spring, the subtle energies of nature are most active in gallbladder and liver meridians, and any stagnation or blockage in these pathways can create pain and discomfort.

The beginning of the warm weather also brings out sandals and flip flops, which can create tight calf muscles and sore feet. When the legs are tight the vital energy becomes blocked and can’t rise up the back of the body. The blood flow follows energy, and it will also be stagnant; this creates discomfort and pain.

Bodywork therapy can balance the energy and unblock the energy flow but sometimes stretching can also alleviate some of the problem. If the imbalance is not too great stretching may solve the discomfort.

There are two books which I refer to for stretching exercises; they are: Comprehensive Myofascial Self Treatment by Joyce Karnis, and The Permanent Pain Cure by Ming Chew. They both offer a lot of stretching exercises for specific problem areas. These books are valuable not only for correcting muscle spasm but also for maintaining balance after bodywork sessions. Maintaining health and wellness is a personal journey. Having resources to help us makes the journey easier.

The End of Summer

This is the time of year that I see many people with tight calves and feet.Everyone is more physically active during the summer months and many times are spending most of their time in sandals or barefoot and may not be hydrating sufficiently.

Since everything is connected in our body-mind, when the energy flow in the lower body is stuck or blocked, you can experience back and hip pain or discomfort.  Blocked energy in the lower body can also create tight neck and shoulders. When the body’s energy is flowing freely, we experience a feeling of wellbeing, and our aches and pains diminish.  Having your energy balanced at the end of each season will boost your immune system and prepare you for the weather changes to come.

Health and the Free Flow of Emotions

I have been a bodyworker for more than 20 years, and I understand how important it is to have our electromagnetic energy balanced and flowing freely. When I talk about the body’s energy that is what I am referring to. This energy can easily be measured in allopathic medicine by an ECG (electrocardiogram) and EEG (electroencephalogram).

When we are scheduled for these tests, we usually have had an imbalance for an extended period. As a bodyworker, I am interested in maintaining health at an optimum level. This includes body, mind, and spirit. There are many facets to maintaining health: exercise, eating healthy (pesticide-free food), getting quality rest, engaging in activities that you love (whether work or play), and maintaining healthy relationships.

A large part of maintaining healthy relationships is having free flow of our emotions. As humans we experience a myriad of emotions every day, it is a normal and healthy occurrence. The difficulty comes when we get stuck in an emotion because we were not able to fully express our thoughts and feelings. The emotions which create this situation most of the time are anger, worry, and grief.

When we experience some type of trauma or loss, if we are unable to fully process it, the memory gets stored in our cells. This phenomenon is called cellular memory. The stress of the trauma can create blocks in our energy flow which may create both physical and psychological symptoms.

People who have suffered a loss may have trouble taking deep breaths, insomnia, fits of depression, and no desire to participate in any type of activity or to socialize. Those who are stuck in anger may develop resentment which may interfere with all their interactions with others and develop some physical symptoms as well.

The energy pathways correspond to different emotions:

  • Liver – anger
  • spleen – worry
  • lung – grief
  • kidney – fear
  • heart & pericardium – heartfelt issues.

When your energy is balanced during a session, different emotions and memories can rise to the surface. These emotions come up to be released. The body is wanting to heal itself and release the painful memories. When a person can breathe through the memory and express the emotion, they begin the healing process.

My experience has been, that pain which is caused by overworked muscles or pushing the body too hard will release easily. When there is an emotion attached to the physical pain, the pain will not subside until the person has some awareness of the stuck emotion and the event that created it. What I have learned is that everyone can heal if they are committed to their healing process.