The Importance of Correct Posture on Overall Health

I have seen many clients lately who have structural issues, either problems with their knees, backs, or feet. These types of issues will also create problems with necks and hips. When your body is out of alignment, you can suffer from nerve pain, migraine headaches, sciatica, back pain, and many other ailments.

Poor alignment over an extended period can also create the need for hip replacement, knee surgery, spinal fusion, or neck fusion. Imbalance in the hips or spine can cause a wearing down of spinal discs. The spinal discs cushion the vertebrae and prevent the bones from rubbing together.

Many people see chiropractors to avoid these scenarios, but if you have fascial restrictions created by surgeries, whiplash injuries, or poor posture, these restrictions must be addressed or there will not be a long-lasting solution.

Myofascial release is a modality which addresses these restrictions or scarring in the fascial tissue and will help dissolve them over time. When the fascial restrictions are released range of motion improves, nerve pain is alleviated, and posture can improve.

I can personally attest to this. I suffered with neck pain for more than 10 years which had me incapacitated with migraine headaches. I tried many different modalities to help the situation but did not find real relief until I started myofascial release sessions. This is the reason I chose to study myofascial release. I no longer have chronic neck pain. I would recommend myofascial release to anyone looking for a permanent solution to improve posture, alleviate pain, and increase mobility.