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Myofascial Release and Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)
Muscle Tension Dysphonia is a voice disorder which occurs when the muscles around the voice box are so tight that the quality and volume of the voice are impaired. This condition can be the result of illness (laryngitis) overuse, stress or other conditions. It may continue even after laryngitis is gone. Some symptoms of MTD […]
Navigating Winter with Chinese Medicine
Today is the perfect winter day. It is snowing, cold, dark, damp and quiet. These are the adjectives that describe the most yin season in Chinese Medicine. This is the time to slow down, replenish our energy reserves, conserve our strength and spend time reflecting on our health and meditative pursuits. The associations of winter […]
More Chinese Medicine Tips for Winter
The Bladder Meridian is the longest and most influential of all the energy pathways since it crosses all the other meridians. During winter the energies are most active in Bladder and Kidney Meridians; this is the time of the water element. When the Bladder Meridian is out of balance both physical and emotional symptoms can […]
Chinese Medicine Tips for Winter
The energy pathways most active during winter are kidney and bladder. Winter is a time for quiet, self-reflection, meditation and nourishment of body and soul. It is also important to get plenty of sleep, eat locally grown, organic, well-cooked food, stay warm and stay hydrated. Some foods that support the body during winter are: Celery, […]
Navigating the Holidays
The holiday season can be joyous but also challenging. There is so much to do and so little time. Spending time with family and friends can bring up wonderful memories and memories that are not so wonderful. Keeping our emotional balance is most important. Try not to overdo, stay in the present moment, get plenty of rest […]