Indian Summer, a Time of Transition

This time of year, as summer eases into fall, the days become shorter, and the mornings and evenings are much cooler. We still experience the heat of summer at midday, but the change in nature is unmistakable. The earth element, which is the most active energy at this time of year governs the stomach and spleen meridians.

The earth element governs digestion, not just of food but also our thoughts and reasoning on the mental emotional level. If we have an imbalance in our earth element, we can experience digestive problems at this time. Stress and worry can also negatively affect digestion. The amount of uncertainty in the world right now emphasizes our need to be rooted, harmonious and stabilized whether in family, community, or work environment.

We live in a sea of energy and are affected by the energy around us and what we listen to. Stressful thoughts and feelings can throw us off balance and influence our decision making. The best way to center ourselves is through breathing and meditation. It is always best to act from a calm center.

To promote inner calm and harmony avoid absorbing too much negative information. Spend time meditating, walking in nature, listening to positive and inspirational information and music.

It is also important to eat foods that are in season, especially yellow squashes and foods with an orange color. These are the colors associated with the earth element.

The beginning of each season is the perfect time to have your energy balanced. Spend time in introspection. Create the life you want.