Going with the Flow- The Bladder Meridian
The bladder meridian is the longest energy pathway going from the corner of the eye to the outside of the smallest toe.
It is represented by the water element and it crosses all the other meridians and greatly influences them. Physically it is responsible for storing and excreting the urinary waste fluids passed down from the kidneys but energetically it is closely related to the functions and balance of the autonomic nervous system. The bladder meridian runs the entire length of the back with two parallel branches on each side of the spine. These four branches of the bladder meridian greatly influence the sympathetic and parasympathetic functions of the autonomic nervous system. The peak hours for bladder meridian energy are between 3-5 pm. It is important to stay hydrated for optimum function of this meridian.
An imbalance in this system can create both physical and psychological symptoms such as:
- Headaches
- back pain
- urinary problems including excessive urination and incontinence)
- pain in the eyes
- tearing and colds
Lack of energy, being inflexible and fearful, resisting change and negative attitude