I’ve been discussing the importance of balanced energy to our overall health and well being. Each season is associated with specific energies that can be supported by certain foods and stretching exercises especially Tai Chi or Yoga.
Today I want to talk about the importance of purchasing fresh, pesticide free, whole and local food and water that is relatively chemical and bacteria free. Most people are aware that our food supply is challenged. GMO”s, pesticide, heavy metals, salmonella and many other possible chemicals and bacteria seem to be a regular part of our food supply. Finding pure wholesome food can seem like an obstacle course but the impact on our health can’t be overstated. Our diet will, over time, make a difference on our health whether for better or worse. Anyone who saw the documentary “Supersize Me” can attest to that. A steady diet of heavy salt and unhealthy fats for a month can compromise the health of just about anyone.
No amount of exercise and energywork can make a difference in our well being if we have a diet of mostly GMO and pesticide laden food. If we are not eating relatively pure whole foods we are compromising our health.
Some of the most important foods to buy organic are:
- Coffee
- Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches
When buying meat look for:
• Pasture raised, hormone free, antibiotic free, grass fed
When buying fish:
• Wild caught is best – if farm raised make sure they are antibiotic free and kept in clean circulating water.
Eggs should be cage free, antibiotic free and hormone free.
For more information on this topic The Self- Health Revolution by J. Michael Zenn is a good read. I’m including a link to an article on spraying wheat with glyphosate. “Why Is Glyphosate Sprayed on Crops Right Before Harvest?”
Hopefully with enough public outcry these practices can be changed.