The Energy of Spring – Liver Meridian

In Chinese Medicine, man is seen as part of the natural world.  Therefore, in order to experience optimum health and wellbeing and prevent disease living in harmony with the seasons of nature is of utmost importance.  Spring is a season of new life and growth.

The energies associated with spring are liver and gallbladder.  Liver Meridian carries the energizing and expansive energy of spring in our bodies.

Last week I spoke about the associations of liver and symptoms of imbalanced liver energy.  Today I want to expand on that.
The most common symptoms of liver imbalance are:

  • Anger or irritation
  • Depression
  • Shoulder and neck tension
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Menstrual disorders (PMS, irregular or painful menses)
  • Digestive problems (IBS, indigestion)

In spring there is an increase in these symptoms because our energy is most active in Liver Meridian. To help harmonize liver energy:

  • Get enough rest and wake early
  • Increase intake of greens: sprouts, arugula, kale, watercress – help purify the liver and gallbladder.
  • Add the sour flavor to your diet- lemon water or apple cider vinegar in water in the morning.
  • I can’t emphasize exercise enough, especially for depression.  Walking in nature 20- 30 minutes 3 times a week is very helpful.
  • Include downtime in your schedule.
  • Have your energy balanced with acupuncture or acupressure.